Ann Arbor & Lexington
Check Out the Album
Original Concept:
record an entire disco shoegaze album in a month isn't enough of a concept?
Artist Post-Game:
This album includes 12 tracks that are each inspired by a short story in Italo Calvino's "Cosmicomics". Incoalmo was a great excuse for us to put our heads together and crank out a rough album that we're now in the process of mixing and producing.
Our cover art is by our friend Mark J. Stock from his real time generated artwork 'Diaspora' <>
"minimal surface theory"
Ann Arbor & Lexington
Original Concept:
This album centers around a core set of covers representing the diversity of our musical influences. Each cover is then balanced with an original inspired by some aspect of the covered song.
ann arbor & lexington
Original Concept:
a musical exploration of the violence of calling a child an "underachiever"
"the king won't die"
Original Concept:
This album is a song for song response to the musical genius of the Smiths' "The Queen is Dead" (think Liz Phair's "Exile in Guyville"'s relationship to the Rolling Stones). This album exists in the modern timeline and knows exactly how disappointing M******** has become.