JoCoAlbMo 2018
Check Out the Album
Original Concept:
My plan is to create a rigid workflow, as if I was assembling Ikea furniture rather than art. I want to remove most of the idea of "what I feel like focusing on" or "staying in a groove". I've got X hours to produce Y tracks of Za-Zb minutes each. I intend to stagger my assignments so I am forced to jump from one piece to the next constantly. I intend my mental coach to be saying "Too bad, you're doing THIS now."
Artist Post-Game:
While I met important personal goals, and consider the experience a "win", I won't declare that I've won the challenge until I meet the album length requirement. Maybe next year!
My "concept" was to deliberately break the idea of "getting into agroove" or "working when inspired". I set myself a schedule where I forced myself to jump from track to track and sit down with no idea what I was going to do. To this end I was very successful. I discovered I could sit down at any time and within 5 minutes I was in a groove and being productive. I think identifying the thoughts and ideas which hold one back, and then deliberately challenging those ideas, is an important exercise for an artist in any medium.
After the tracks were done and I set about naming them, an actual concept emerged. The album describes a man realizing he doesn't want to live where he is anymore, setting out alone to find a new place to live, and then the thoughts and emotions that can arise on a long, solitary, journey.
I met all the rules except 40. That, to date, is my biggest challenge and one I accept.
Invoke the Rule of 0? Ha ha. Never.